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Title: Startups: a systematic review of literature and future research directions
Authors: SILVA, Luciana Santos Costa Vieira da
KACZAM, Fabíola
DANTAS, Anderson de Barros
JANGUIA, Josenilde Mario
Keywords: Startups
Systematic literature review
Theoretical gaps
Revisão sistemática da literatura
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Revista de Ciências da Administração
Abstract: The objective of the research is to map the literature based on a Systematic Literature Review on the theme of startups and to highlight some theoretical gaps based on publications of high-reputation scientifc journals. The period from 1990 to 2019 was defned for the elaboration of this study. We use the excel spreadsheet, in addition to the HistCite ™, VOSviewer, IRATUMEQ, and R Studio packages. The results show that the typology of the startups evaluated, after reading 68% of the articles, organizations are characterized as a group of new companies, that is, relatively young and inexperienced when compared to the most stable and mature in organizational development. They refer to those that are in the initial stage and are susceptible to the influence of various factors, such as investors, supplier customers, partners, etc., and should think strategically about how to act and, this concerns a group of dynamic startups that deal with innovations. O objetivo da pesquisa é mapear a literatura de uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura sobre startups e destacar algumas lacunas teóricas baseadas em publicações de periódicos científicos internacionais. Usamos a planilha Excel, além dos pacotes HistCite ™, VOSviewer, IRATUMEQ e R Studio. Os resultados mostram que pelo tipo de startups avaliadas, após a leitura de 68% dos artigos, as organizações se caracterizam como um grupo de empresas novas, ou seja, relativamente jovens e inexperientes quando comparadas às mais estáveis e maduras em desenvolvimento organizacional e devem pensar estrategicamente sobre como atuar e, que diz respeito a um grupo de startups dinâmicas que operam com inovações.
ISSN: 2175-8077
Appears in Collections:Periódicos Especializados Faculdade Link

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